
Thursday, 17 October 2013

ICT in the early years

Technology is developing every day, and as it develops it has an impact on our lives, even for very young children. Using ICT with young children can be a contentious subject, as “children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, place and things” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p.14), however, ICT in the children’s immediate learning environment, both at home and in the centre, can provide children with motivation for learning, so it should be encouraged for educators with appropriate knowledge to teach and learn with the children.  

What is ICT?

Information and communication technology (ICT) refers to “any technology used to access, gather, manipulate and present or communicate information, such as electronic hardware, software and network connectivity” (Duchesne, McMaugh, Bochner & Krause, 2013, p.429).

Figure 1. ICT in school word cloud. Retrieved from

Why ICT in ECE?

Technology has become part of our everyday lives. Most children now have access to and experience a range of technologies, and these technologies, media, popular cultures have become highly influential for children’s construction of knowledge, culture and their lives (Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett & Farmer, 2012). In New Zealand, ICT is used for a wide range of educational purposes, and it has become an integral part of teaching and learning for children. The Ministry of Education (2005) states that ICT used well contributes to “children’s learning and encourage purposeful and exploratory play, collaboration, cooperation, discussion, creativity, problem-solving, risk-taking, and flexible thinking” (p. 3). Also, Te Whāriki (Ministry of Education, 1996) suggests that children acquire “both the confidence to develop their own perspectives and the capacity to continue acquiring new knowledge and skills” (p. 18) to live in the rapid changing society as lifelong learners using modern communication and technology.

Benefits of ICT in ECE

The Ministry of Education (2005) has identified numerous benefits of using ICT in early childhood settings for children, parents and whānau, and also for educators. For children, ICT provides new ways of learning, and if used appropriately, it has the potential to extend their learning experiences and enable them to develop skills such as communication, exploration, and literacy skills such as digital literacy, technological literacy and information literacy. For parents and whānau ICT can be a link to share information as a communication tool and could be a way to have a better understanding of the experience of their children in EC settings and at home. The same is true for educators, who can also benefit from using ICT to improve communication with parents and whānau, and used it as a tool for accessing professional learning, resources and information.

Children’s learning with ICT

Among the various potential benefits when using ICT in early childhood education, are enhancements in various areas of learning. Several areas of development in children’s learning related to ICT are discussed below, with examples showing how teachers can integrate ICT into the classroom to develop these skills for children.
& Knowledge and understanding of the world
Ex) Role-plays using ICT devices help children to understand the world more authentically. For example, using a digital camera when pretending to be a tour guide, or using a word processor to record customer details (Poulter, 2008).
& Communication, language and literacy
Ex) Walkie-talkies can assist children to develop their language and communication skills. Teachers can encourage children to share and explain their past experiences or current event in their lives. Also, talking books are often used (Brookson, Pimentel and Williams, 2010)
& Problem-solving, reasoning and numeracy
Ex) Software programmes such as ‘Study ladder’ or ‘Mathematics’ encourage children to learn mathematical concepts with a high level of engagement, as they give the children instant feedback with animations and bright colours.
& Personal, social and emotional development
Ex) Scaffolding can be done by more knowledgeable children in ICT to help others to learn how to operate some kinds of ICT devices. This way, the child who instructs other children would gain self-confidence and increase their social development through working with a group.
& Physical development
Ex) Musical mats or keyboards encourage children to move and make rhythm (Brookson, et al, 2010).
& Creative development (Poulter, 2008)
Ex) An interactive whiteboard is a great tool to be creative, as it offers a vast range of different colours and tools. 

While there are benefits to using ICT in early childhood settings, developmental appropriateness of usage has always been highlighted in teaching and learning with children using ICT. As Hall and Higgins (2002) state that the “burning questions are not whether computers should be used but where and how ICT can be used to enlarge and enrich young children’s experience of learning” (p. 301). Therefore, the role of the teacher becomes critical to guide the children’s use of ICT and extend their learning experience.

Guiding children’s use of ICT : the role of the teacher

Developmentally appropriate use of ICT for children is the key factor for educators to consider. Both Developmentally Appropriate Technology for Early Childhood (DATEC) in the United Kingdom and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) in the United States give general guidelines for incorporating ICT into the classroom. However, it is typically highlighted that ICT is a new tool that can be integrated into the existing practice, rather than one that can replace first-hand experiences and interactions (O’Hara, 2004). Bearing in mind the importance of first-hand experiences, educators should promote an interesting and stimulating learning environment which uses ICT appropriately. To do this, O’Hara (2004) suggests early childhood educators need to:
8  Monitor children’s progress and needs;
8  Intervene sensitively;
8  Provide emotional support; and
8  Challenge children to take risks and attain new level of achievement.

Siraj-Blatchford and Whitebread (2003) also suggest some ways to integrate developmentally appropriate ICT into the early childhood curriculum. They have proposed that ICT in the classroom works best under the following conditions:
:  Applications for educational purpose - all applications employed in the early years should be educational. Games for entertainment and most arcade games have very little creativity or positive learning outcomes (Siraj-Blatchford & Siraj-Blatchford, 2006).
:  Encouraging collaboration – Vygotsky emphasized the importance of social interaction for children’s learning processes, and the shared learning experiences or engaging in an activity jointly with peers promotes children’s cognitive development and cognitive challenges.
:  Supported play – authentic use of ICT which integrates into children’s play as a tool and is used for real purpose in a meaningful context, such as during children’s role-play, makes the curriculum relevant for children. Also, access to ICT should not be used as a reward or a punishment.
:  The child is in control – children’s learning should not be restricted by programmed learning. The child should be in control of using ICT to solve a problem and should be able to try various strategies to do this.
:  Transparent and intuitive application – an application’s “function should be clearly defined and intuitive” (Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread, 2003, p.11).
:  Supporting the involvement of parents – partnerships between parents and educators help children to improve their academic achievement as they working collaboratively towards the same goal.

Considering all these developmentally appropriate aspects when implementing ICT into the curriculum, the educator’s awareness of health and safety issues are also critical, and it should be emphasized that not only the children’s physical well-being, but also their emotional well-being, should always be protected from potential harm in cyberspace. Siraj-Blatchford and Whitebread (2013) claim that ICT applications in the classroom should be used as a learning tool and should be integrated with other learning activities, not in used in isolation and for a long period of time for young children, as this might cause repetitive injuries such as carpal tunnel damage, affect on eyesight, and lead to obesity (Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread, 2003). Also, applications used in the classroom should avoid violence and stereotyping. “Where applications fail to meet these criteria it would be difficult to justify their use in any educational context” (Siraj-Blatchford & Whitebread, 2003, p.11).

Here are some useful video clips that help to increase  awareness of e-safety for children, parents and educators.  

Thompson, J.(2011). CEOP KS1 Film Lee & Kim Cartoon Suitable for 5 years-7 years. Retrieved from

Creative Conspiracy. (2012). Child focus 'E-safety'[video file]. Retrived from

Hector's world is New Zealand made online educational programme to help children to learn safe online practice.


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